Aspin Park Academy

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Aspin Park Academy

  1. Children
  2. School Meals

School Meals at Aspin Park Academy

The price of a school meal is £2.35.

We pride ourselves in delivering healthy, nutritious meals with the help of our catering team. They offer a wide range of choice for the children and as a school we feel that we cater for all dietary requirements. Menus are provided in advance, and we can adapt and amend if required. Further information can be found at the school office for costs and free school meal forms.


To pay for your meals via Parent pay, click the link below:


School Meals Menu

Free School Meals at Aspin Park Academy 

Statutory free school meals are available to children whose parents are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:

  • income support
  • income-based job seeker's allowance
  • income-related employment and support allowance
  • child tax credit with an income of less than £16,190 and not in receipt of working tax credit
  • support under part VI of the immigration and asylum act 1999
  • guarantee element of state pension credit.

Where parents are entitled to working tax credit during a four week "run on" period immediately after their employment has ceased, or after they have started to work less than 16 hours per week, their children are entitled to free school meals.

Children who receive income support or income based jobseeker's allowance in their own right are also entitled to free school meals.

If your child is entitled to a Statutory free school meal, then it's important you claim for it even if they are in Reception, Year One or Year Two and already receive a free school meal. This is because the school will receive additional funding for your child that will be used to support their learning and development, including payment for trips and activities, support from our Parent Support Adviser and extra intervention sessions.

