Aspin Park Academy

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Aspin Park Academy

  1. Curriculum
  2. Curriculum at Aspin
  3. Enrichment Curriculum

Extra-Curriculum Club Offer

We run a wide range of clubs at different times of the school day. Read on to learn more about the clubs on offer.


Lunchtime Clubs

Children across school have the opportunity to sign up for a lunchtime club. The clubs will change on a half-termly basis so if your child does not get a place this term, they will in future terms over the course of the year. Your child will be told if they have got a place at their selected club this term. The class teachers, who run the clubs, will select the children attending from a mixture of classes across the year key stage to give the children the chance to work with others and develop new friendships. The club teacher will keep a register each week- if your child does not attend the club for two weeks then the place will go to someone else (please note that this does not include absence due to illness). The children will go for lunch at their normal time and then join the club before or afterwards. 

Key Stage 1 /EYFS 

Art and DT Club 

Mrs Broomhead 


Reading Club 

Miss Edwards/ Miss Selway 



Key Stage 2 

Board Game Club 

Mr Spindlow 


Times Table Rock Stars Club 

Mrs Stephens 


Reading Club 

Mrs Stephens 


Drawing Club 

Miss Pollard 


Lego Club 

Mrs Rhodes 



Sports Clubs

Autumn Spring Summer

Year 1/2 – Curling

Year 1/2 Tennis Year 1/2 Athletics

Year 3/4 Rugby

Year 3/4 Athletics Year 3/4 Cricket

Year 5/6 Archery

Year 5/6 Rounders Year 5/6 Frisbee Golf

In the Summer Term all Year 6 children have Bikeability sessions to learn how to safely cycle on roads, in preparation for travelling to secondary school.

Music Clubs

Key Stage 2 choir runs on Friday mornings from 8.15am - 8.45am. 

Any child who has played an instrument for a year or more can join the school orchestra on Thursdays, 2.30pm - 3.15pm